How Long Does Oxycodone Last? – Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid that is prescribed by doctors and, in some cases, abused for recreational reasons. The presence of oxycodone can be identified in a person’s system for 3-4 days by way of urine analysis, about 24 hours using a blood test, between 1-4 days using a saliva test, and up to 90 days with a hair test.
The half-life of oxycodone is between 3.5-5.5 hours—this is the time required for half of the drug to be purged from the body. Despite taking just one day for the body to eliminate oxycodone, the process of breaking down the active ingredients produces by-products called metabolites, which can be identified through testing.
The duration of time oxycodone stays in a person’s system can be influenced by several factors, including the following:
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Height and weight
- Body fat percentage
- Body mass index
- Presence of food in GI tract
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Dosage consumed
- Duration of usage
- Presence of other substances
Oxycodone Facts
As a prescription drug, oxycodone is used to treat short-term moderate to severe pain, such as that which is related to trauma, injury, or surgery. It is also sometimes used for the treatment of chronic pain related to cancer or palliative care.
Oxycodone may be used by itself (e.g., OxyContin) or in combination with another medication, such as acetaminophen (e.g., Percocet). Oxycodone can be administered by capsule, tablet, liquid solution, suppository, and, when abused, by snorting or injecting.
How Oxycodone Works
Opioids increase the production of endorphins, an action that helps to reduce a person’s perception of pain. In addition to the analgesic effect, endorphins inhibit the production of GABA. GABA is a neurochemical that represses the production of dopamine. Therefore, opioids, in turn, also increase dopamine levels in the brain, which induces feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Unfortunately, these desirable effects can prompt users to become dependent on and eventually addicted to opioids.
Oxycodone Abuse and Addiction
Compared to other opioids, oxycodone is only moderately potent but still comes with a high potential for abuse. Oxycodone abuse may not be immediately recognizable because it can be legally obtained by prescription and isn’t often associated with drug paraphernalia.
For this reason, it is crucial to be able to identify the immediate effects of oxycodone, which may include the following:
- Dilated pupils
- Apathy
- Drowsiness
- Decreased attention span
- Slowed or labored breathing
- Flushed appearance
Oxycodone has numerous therapeutic medical applications that continue to help many people. Still, over the years, the hazards associated with its abuse have become increasingly obvious. The euphoria caused by oxycodone often compels repeated use, which in turn increases the likelihood the user will develop a dependence. And as with other opioids, oxycodone dependence develops rather rapidly, contributing to its potential for abuse and addiction.
Oxycodone Side Effects

Side effects of short-term oxycodone abuse include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness or faintness
- Tiredness
- Confusion
- Poor concentration
- Restlessness
- Blurred vision
- Stiff muscles
- Constipation
- Dry mouth
- Stomach ache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Difficulty urinating
- Slowed heart rate
- Excessive sweating
- Slurred speech
- Difficulty walking
- Poor motor coordination
- Itchy skin/mild allergic rash
- Vivid dreams
- Seizures
- Low blood pressure
- Respiratory depression
Side effects of long-term oxycodone abuse include:
- Vein damage or scarring
- Infections
- Blood clots
- Chronic aches and cramps
- Reduced libido
- Menstrual irregularity
- Severe constipation
- Insomnia
- Depression and anxiety
- Dental problems
- Swollen limbs
- Heart failure
Oxycodone Overdose
Perhaps the most terrifying threat associated with oxycodone is its high potential for overdose. Oxycodone, like other opioids, is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. For this reason, abuse can lead to seizures, cardiac arrest, coma, and death. Unfortunate outcomes such as these are especially likely if the oxycodone is used in conjunction with other substances, or if the tablets are crushed and snorted or liquified and injected.
Warning signs of an oxycodone overdose include the following:
- Extreme drowsiness
- Stopped or labored breathing
- Widened or pinpoint pupils
- Cold or clammy skin
- Bluing of the lips and fingers
- Uncontrollable vomiting
- Choking, gurgling sounds
- Extreme confusion
- Impaired motor skills
- Slurred speech
- Limpness
- Very low blood pressure
- Dangerously slow heart rate
- Fainting or unconsciousness
- Unresponsiveness or stupor
- Seizures
- Coma
- Death
Getting Help for Oxycodone Addiction
Addiction to oxycodone is a severe and life-threatening disorder, and those who are suffering are urged to seek professional help immediately. Patients usually begin treatment with the help of addiction specialists who develop a customized plan. Treatment typically involves the use of several evidence-based services, including psychotherapy, counseling, aftercare support, medication-assisted treatment, and more.
If you or a loved one suffers from an addiction to oxycodone, contact us today! Call now and speak to our caring addiction specialists who are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive all the resources and support they need.
Our comprehensive treatment programs are custom-tailored to help people overcome addiction and begin to experience the healthy and fulfilling lives they deserve!
Related:Â Oxycodone Addiction